Answers to Your Questions About Inspire Upper Airway Stimulation Therapy

In this guest post, Dr. Eric Kezirian answers your questions about upper airway stimulation therapy with the Inspire device. 

Positive airway pressure therapy (whether CPAP, BPAP, APAP, or another form) is the first-line treatment for obstructive sleep apnea (see the image of an obstructed airway to the right). 

However, some patients cannot tolerate or sleep comfortably while wearing it.  If you are having trouble with positive airway pressure therapy or if it is not helping you, you may want to consider alternative treatment options, including surgery.

Inspire Upper Airway Stimulation is an exciting new treatment that was approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration in 2014 for patients with obstructive sleep apnea who do not tolerate or do not benefit from positive airway pressure therapy.  I was the first surgeon in the Western United States to offer Inspire Upper Airway Stimulation and have many years of experience with this approach to treating sleep apnea. 

The Upper Airway Stimulation system works somewhat like a pacemaker for the tongue.  There is a main unit (called a pulse generator) that sends a signal to the nerve controlling tongue movement (hypoglossal nerve) through a stimulation lead as well as a sensing lead that allows the system to send that signal only when the patient is breathing in and not through the entire night. 

Upper Airway Stimulation is different from other treatments for sleep apnea in many ways, including the fact that it combines surgery and non-surgical treatment.  Here are answers to some of the questions I receive about it.

How do I know if I’m a candidate for this therapy? Can my doctor order it or do I need to see a specialist?

Surgery for sleep apnea is not one-size-fits-all.  Different people have different causes of their sleep apnea, and this is true when it comes to surgery.  Specialists in sleep surgery are familiar with the wide range of procedures that I describe at  Evaluation techniques like drug-induced sleep endoscopy allow a sleep surgeon to understand what procedures may work best for an individual patient, and drug-induced sleep endoscopy is actually required before receiving Upper Airway Stimulation because it shows whether someone has a good chance to benefit from this therapy. 

Do I have to use CPAP for three months before I’m eligible?

There is no defined period of time for using CPAP before you consider alternative treatments.  Some patients are completely unable to tolerate CPAP in spite of our best efforts, while some patients take some time to become fully comfortable with it.  The key is making the right decision about whether you can or cannot tolerate and sleep comfortably with CPAP, whether it takes 3 days, 3 months, or 3 years.

What is the surgery like? Is it implanted near my heart? Will the device be visible beneath my skin?

All components of the system are placed inside the body during a surgical procedure that typically lasts 2 ½ hours. The surgery is performed under general anesthesia, and patients typically resume a normal diet on the night after surgery. The system is generally placed on the right side, opposite from the heart.  By far the most visible portion of the system is the main unit that is placed on top of the pectoral muscle, the main muscle of the chest.  This is covered by the skin and by the layer of fat that we all have underneath the skin that camouflages the device a little bit.  The result is that there is definitely a bulge that can be seen, but the device is not right underneath the skin, allowing others to see every edge of the device clearly.

How does the system know I’m having sleep apnea? Does it change the signal based on the severity of my sleep apnea?

Somewhat like with CPAP, every patient has a sleep study where we determine the best settings that treat a patient’s sleep apnea.  Then a patient goes home with their remote control to turn the device on at night and then turn it off in the morning, with the ability to change the strength of the stimulation signal they are receiving.  When the system is turned on using the remote control, the system moves the tongue forward on every breath.  The system does not wait until someone is having sleep apnea to send signals, as it wants to prevent them from happening in the first place.  The remote control can be used to adjust the signal before it is turned on, but the system does not adjust the signal itself while someone is sleeping.

Here’s the remote:
Inspire Remote

Here’s the device:  
Inspire Generator

Can the device shock me or misfire? Will I get hurt?

Because the device is placed entirely inside the body, there is no electric shock feeling and no injury from the stimulation.  The system provides gentle electrical stimulation to the nerve that controls tongue movement, moving the tongue forward without waking up a patient.

Is the system secure? Can someone hack the control to turn it on or off?

The system works with radiofrequency communication that requires a controller placed directly over it.  This is similar to many medical devices.  It would be extremely complicated to hack medical devices, and to my knowledge it has never occurred—for this device or other similar devices.

Can I use it while I’m flying on an airplane?

Yes.  You would just want to bring your remote control with you on the airplane.

How long does the device last and do I need to get it replaced? How about the batteries?

The device has a battery, like a pacemaker for the heart.  The battery lasts 8-10 years.  Replacement involves an outpatient procedure to remove and then replace the main unit.

What if I don’t like the device? How do I have it removed?

Removal of the device is possible and has been done.  It does require another surgical procedure.

What are the differences in the types of devices available now?

There is another device in clinical trials that is not yet widely available in the United States.  We do not know how well it works.  It has some different features, including the fact that it delivers constant stimulation through the entire night instead of just when a person is breathing in.

Will my insurance cover this? What should I expect to have to pay? Do you expect changes in coverage in the near future?

Insurance often covers this, but like any new procedure or device, at first there is a process for obtaining insurance coverage.  The key is to have a thorough evaluation to make sure someone is the right kind of patient that would benefit from Upper Airway Stimulation and then to send information for preauthorization to the insurance company.

To learn more about the Inpsire Upper Airway Stimulation device, please visit the website You can reach out to Dr. Kezirian directly with any questions at

Dr. Eric Kezirian MD

If you are interested in learning more about sleep studies and CPAP therapy for sleep apnea click here:

Request sleep study

Request CPAP appt.

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  1. Bob Edwards Reply

    Is it possible to disable the initial pulse when the device is first turned on before going to bed? I find it very uncomfortable

    • Jim Thompson Reply

      The remote can be programmed to delay for however many minutes you want before the device activates. Mine is set for 15 minutes by which time I’m asleep.

      • Neal Reply

        I appreciate the detailed explanation of how Inspire Upper Airway Stimulation works and its differences from other sleep apnea treatments. The emphasis on individualized evaluation and the role of specialists in sleep surgery underscores the importance of personalized care in managing this condition.

    • Vicki Benzmiller Reply

      Why are the initial tongue thrusts so strong? After about 8 thrusts, they are much less strong. They sometimes wake me up they are so strong.

  2. Eric J Kezirian, MD, MPH Reply

    I do not think it is, but you should definitely check with Inspire Medical Systems or the team that manages your care. It is there to make sure someone knows the device has been turned on, and most people love it.

    • Jerry Davis Reply

      My name is Jerry and I had the Inspire surgery on the 10th of November. Can you tell me if it’s normal to have a 4inch incision on my neck. There is a hard ridge under the skin running the length of the scar. Doctor said it will go away but I wonder if I can believe him because he also said the incision was only going to be about 1 inch. Also when I lean my head backwards the wire running to the device bulges out like it’s to short. If this is not normal what can I do about it. Wish I had never had it put in.

      • Terry Gates Reply

        Yeah, Jerry that’s one of those things Inspire told their trained doctors not to tell you because they knew people would say HELL no, I’m not getting this done!
        Mine was installed in the latter part Sept of this year and it’s one of the worst decisions I’ve ever made. I don’t believe one word any of these doctors that get on this site say because this is how they make money and isn’t that why we go to work?! I wish I would’ve found this site before I had it done, I still snore, I still have headaches and my mouth is very dry, and I’m still tender to the touch on my chest, shaving has gotten better but if I’m not completely careful I still cut myself where my scare is. If anyone is reading this and is thinking of this getting this implant, I have one word for you… DON’T!!!

        • Judy Boisseau Reply

          I had the surgery in July. It has been complete hell. The surgery was so painful and it has made me so much worse. First, it doesn’t work. I even had an endoscopy done to get the right settings. I have had a headache almost every day since I started this. The last three weeks I have a migraine headache that they are putting injections in my head, shots and medicine that make me so tired I can’t get up. This is from the inspire device. When I kept complaining to my ENT that it wasn’t working they said their was nothing they could do and said they would refer me to someone else. That someone else has yet to call me. This whole thing is a money grabbing hoax. Funny how hard it is to get honest reviews on the internet or drs.

          • Jeff Martin

            Judy, I am having headaches that radiates from my ear to the top of my skull. Typically progresses worse towards the evening. What were your headache symptoms and has it gone away. ?

          • Marsha Rector

            Judy, my husband just had his surgery 2 weeks ago and is suffering with migraines. He never had a headache before the surgery. Did yours go away after the activation of the implant? I’m not sure I want him to continue. He’s list 12 pounds because he can’t eat.

          • Melissa Green

            My husband just had the procedure last week and is dealing with constant headaches on the surgical side. Has the headache issue improved for you?

        • Charles Reply

          Terry has your Inspire experience gotten any better? I ask because I could have written the same response as you.

      • Jerry Reply

        Hi, it’s Jerry back to give an update on the Inspire surgery I had back on November 10th . The huge scar with the hard ridge under the skin is almost gone just as the doctor said. There’s no soreness anywhere, not on my neck or chest and believe me I am totally surprised. I’m scheduled to have the device turned on, on the 14 of December and I’m really hoping for the best result possible. I think I’m slowly starting to realize that if I just be patient things will get better. Well be back after it’s turned on, fingers crossed.

      • Jerry Reply

        Hi it’s me Jerry and it’s now been several weeks since I had the Inspire turn on and I have only one thing to say I LOVE IT. I have been sleeping like a baby. It doesn’t bother me at all, I can’t feel it unless I really try. All the bad things related to the surgery are gone. I need to apologize to my doctor for ever doubting him. Your the best Dr Gottschalk. I’m looking forward to many more relaxed nights. Happy holidays to all.

        • Margi Reply

          Jerry, I am so glad to read that your Inspire implant is now doing great. I had my implant done 12/8/2022 and I get it activated on January 12, 2023 (this coming Thursday). I am looking forward to getting the procedure finished and start sleeping well. My chest scar is still a little red looking so I am wondering if they will activate it before the scar has healed more. I am diabetic so that may have caused it to heal a bit slower.
          I never experienced and real pain or discomfort with mine.

          • Margi

            Mine was activated in schedule and it is wonderful!!! I am on level 5…. I increase stimulation every Thursday so tonight I will go to level 6. I have no discomfort. The only thing is when I get up during the night to use the bathroom, I usually forget to pause it I am trying to do better with that. I am so glad I have this device.

      • ARB Reply

        What happened with the feeling that that the cable was too short when you looked upwards? I have this too. I can see the cable become taught under the skin when I look up. I am only post op day 3 after implant.

        • Clare Reply

          Hi there. I’m weighing in because I just came across this series of posts. I had the Inspire implanted last October and went through much the same journey described in these posts (without headaches but with the scarring and wires showing and discomfort and frustration, dry mouth, waking up at night etc). I’m here to tell you it’s all resolved and I just love my device! It was a matter of tweaking, healing, and getting used to admittedly an odd situation, but actually now with a great resolution. I now know well to hit pause right away (adjusted to a half hour) when I wake up at night (I also have insomnia) so I don’t feel bothered by the odd tongue sensation. I also found it helped to adjust the level down for a while; and I also use Xylimelts to help with the dry mouth. And recently I had a follow-up sleep study done with the device and my apnea, which was severe, is down to nearly zero! So hang in there, people, your courage and determination will pay off!

        • ruth Reply

          thats why they give you exercises to do with your head and neck..mine is just fine and no pain whatso ever.

        • Flip Reply

          The clarification regarding the timeline for considering alternative treatments like Inspire Upper Airway Stimulation is helpful. Understanding that there’s no set duration for CPAP usage before exploring other options alleviates concerns and empowers patients to make informed decisions about their treatment journey.

      • Toni Reply

        I wish I had never done it either my tie down broke and now it’s floating all over chest and choking me and I can’t find someone to get the d thing out they told me to turn off device and not turn it back on so useless just left ugly scars and bumps and dents in my chest they don’t tell you these nightmares plus when insurance said they will pay they won’t pay when there is a screw up so far paid $1000 not to mention travel time

      • Terry Farrell Reply

        How did the bulging wire issue work out for you? I had Inspire surgery on April 5, 2024 – generally healing is going well. I will have the implant activated May 8, 2024.
        When I tilt my head back there is a line of skin that protrudes out fairly far and pulls in my neck (and pulls down / juts out into my chest). As if the wire from my tongue to implant is too short (which has me a bit worried, as I did this surgery to correct a health problem, not cause new ones.). Initially there was no pain in that area, but now I wake up with a sore neck in that area.
        Also, when I sleep on my side (a better position for my sleep apnea) I wake up after about 4-5 hours with a muscle cramp in my chest, mostly at the site of the implant. I am guessing the wire is pulling at that location as well. So, since the surgery I have not slept through the night, except for two days immediately after surgery when I was on heavy pain meds.)
        Only advice from the doctor’s office is to message the scares with warm moist heat and stretch – which I continue to do.

  3. Joyce Vince Reply

    I dislike the feeling when it is turned on, I was told it is milder than what happens when you are asleep. Unfortunately, I feel the zaps in the middle of the night, I pause the remote, finally turning it off.

    • Donald Fussell Reply

      Mine is doing the same thing. It works but sometimes it works while I’m awake. I get a couple of hours then I turn it off. I guess it’s too strong. I’m on the lowest setting.

  4. Leslie Reply


    I had the same issue and reducing the level of stimulation was the ticket. Thus far, I’m very happy now. Have you done a sleep study since your device was implanted? It’s a marathon, not a sprint and does take time.

  5. Eric J Kezirian, MD, MPH Reply

    Slow and steady definitely wins the race, and anyone who finds themselves waking up due to the stimulation should turn it down for at least a few days before turning it back up gradually. The key with Upper Airway Stimulation is to use it at a level that is comfortable. The large majority of patients have found it very comfortable, often waking up much less than before they started the therapy because they are now having treatment of their obstructive sleep apnea. That being said, patients with difficulty falling asleep and/or staying asleep during the night (types of insomnia) can have an especially difficult time getting used to Upper Airway Stimulation.

    • Donald Fussell Reply

      It’s it unusual for it to shock the toung while your awake. I’m on the lowest setting. During the night it shocks my toung like it does when I first turn it on but a lesser amount. Sometimes it’s uncomfortable and I turn it off.

    • Corrine Reply

      Doctor have you heard of anyone having nerve injury from the procedure? I had mine inserted in March 2021 and now have Thoracic nerve injury with neuroma and the right pectoral nerve that’s right under the generator pain and sensitive to light touch. US used to find thoracic injury but when second found no image was ordered. They just keep telling me that nerves take a long time to heal. Very frustrating. I feel no one cares about it.

      • Chris Reply

        Corrine, I have not had this stimulator implant and I am not a medical professional. I am just here researching apnea treatment options for patients like me w very severe facial nerve pain & cant tolerate a CPAP mask. I also have bilateral vascular & neurogenic thoracic outlet syndrome for which I had many surgical procedures involving my chest in 2008. Thus, I have disabling nerve pain in my chest, arms, hands. I was also told it takes a long time for the nerves to heal. Years later it is permanent. If I were you I would get a second or third opinion from another neurosurgeon and a neurologist at a different medical network. I am not saying yours is permanent. With proper treatment it may get better. My disease is rare & there were ZERO other knowledgeable specialists in the entire state where I lived at the time. Thus, I received inadequate followup care when I went home after having these major surgeries out of state with an “expert” in the field in the U.S. who had 40 yrs experience (had a month hospital stay due to complications). From my research on TOS & experience, invasive chest surgeries that effect any major nerves are notoriously difficult to recover from with regard to nerve damage & nerve pain. I have been referred for a deep brain stimulator for several painful incurable neurologic conditions. I am very hesitant to consider this procedure for several reasons but one is because the battery pack must be implanted in the chest near my collarbone. I am going what are they thinking!!! They obviously have forgotten about my chest mess: TOS, nerve damage, nerve pain, blood clots, stents in veins, etc.!! Sorry for the rant. Fractionated, lack of continuity, Obama care has really got me upset lately…and we pay for a PPO because the HMO we were on in 2019 was taking all our premiums & then denying all specialist referrals, surgeries, etc…even for really serious things like my brain surgeon follow up visit!

  6. Olivier Van Glabeke Reply

    Hi everyone,
    It’s very hard to find comments about people who had a Upper Airway Stimulation surgery! As I am about to have the surgery in January, I’m very curious to hear comments of people who have been treated with it. Please help and share your experience. Thank you!
    Kind regards
    Olivier Van Glabeke

  7. Stewart Reply

    I shoot in skeet tournaments would I will be able to shoot once the device is implanted?

    • Tom Reply

      I have the same question and my doctor tells me he will implant more toward the center of my breastplate so I can mom t and shoot without contacting the device.

  8. Eric Kezirian, MD, MPH Reply

    For patients who fire guns with a barrel placed against the chest, we would want to implant the device on the opposite side. The device can be placed on either side of the upper chest, so it would not limit your ability to continue skeet shooting.

    • Tom Reply

      My surgeon tells me they won’t implant on the left side due to interference with heart and potential complications if I ever need a pace maker. Her suggests implanting closer to my breastbone on the right side but I am skeptical. Can the device me positioned closer to the armpit?

      • Dina Reply

        I have a port for cancer therapy on the side they normally put the inspire device, so they did it on the opposite side. They “prefer” to have it on the right (because of potential for pacemaker) but absolutely can do it on the left if there’s a reason. Mine is on the left.. my port is on the right.

    • Robert Lanier Reply

      Are you really not going to mention that if you have now or ever need a pacemaker the left side is not an option? People trust their doctors to tell the whole story. Please don’t be one of them who doesn’t and contributes to the current trend of people trusting doctors in general about as much as we trust politicians.

  9. Dina Reply

    My husband had the Inspire device implanted two years ago, and it no longer works for him as a viable means to control his sleep apnea. He went in for a wet endoscopy a couple of weeks ago, so they could take a look at his throat while he was sleeping and the Dt’s are now telling him to go back on the CPAP again. He will likely go back into surgery to have the Inspire device removed in a few months. So not worth the surgery or expense for him to have this device implanted.

    • Luther Scott Reply

      Why does the device no longer work for your husband? Did your husband undergo the sleep endoscopy prior to having the device implanted?

    • Eric James Kezirian Reply

      There are reasons that people do not respond to Inspire therapy, whether right away or over time. Typically, the next step is not just to remove it. I have written previously about a common approach to understanding why someone has not responded and how to resolve issues, if possible. You can see my blog post at

    • Margi Reply

      Dina, what happened with your husband’s Inspire? What went wrong for it to be removed?

  10. Nicole Reply

    Please call me my name is Nicole Peller my phone number is 6146250079

  11. Chester Fisher Reply

    Does Inspire have any beneficial effect on Central Sleep Apnea besides its effect on obstructive sleep apnea?

    • Eric James Kezirian Reply

      There is no benefit for central sleep apnea. In fact, having substantial central sleep apnea can interfere with Inspire therapy’s ability to treat obstructive sleep apnea.

  12. Geoffrey Halberstadt Reply

    Can you have an MRI after inspire is placed

    • Eric James Kezirian Reply

      You cannot have an MRI of the chest, abdomen, or pelvis. However, you can undergo 1.5 Tesla MRIs of the head and neck as well as the arms or legs. Different MRI machines have different magnet strengths, and 1.5 Tesla machines are commonly used, although 3 Tesla machines and other magnet strengths are also seen commonly. For further questions, you will want to discuss this with an Inspire team.

      • Brenda Williamson Reply

        Our doctor, and the Inspire Rep,, told us you could have an MRI with the implant as it had been approved recently.

  13. Jeffrey A Fortezzo Reply

    I am thinking about having the operation for Inspire. Can you give me some data on what results your patients have had? I would like to know how often a problem has occurred during surgery? How many patients have had problems using the device? Also wondering how effective Inspire is after 6 months, one year, two years of use etc. Thanks, Jeff

  14. Jessica Weigle Reply

    My dad just got inspire in March 2020, he was set to go have it turned on a month later when all this COVID stuff occurred and docs offices were closed. In the meantime he had to have a pacemaker put in on May 4. When he went to get the inspire turned on May 8, they wouldn’t do it without a cardiologist present bc they don’t know how it will act with the pacemaker….I’m searching for someone who has both a pacemaker and an inspire to ask if there are any issues…

    • Rosa Reply

      Did you ever get any info regarding pacemaker? My Mom has a pacemaker and hasn’t been able to adapt to the CPAP. thanks

  15. Jerry Ceppos Reply

    I would think twice—no, make that three times—before implanting the Inspire device. I wish I had. Immediately after one was implanted in me last summer, most of my body shut down. I was in critical condition with acute pulmonary edema and many other serious problems. I was on a respirator for about a week and in the ICU for three weeks. After-effects continued for at least five months. I missed work for the entire second half of 2019. Beware.

    • A person who understands what COVID is. Reply

      Pretty sure what you experienced was COVID.

  16. Nicole Peller Reply

    Could someone explain to me how I was able to get the inspire while I had pneumonia still inside me ?Also I have had so many problems .i decided to find a professional sleep doctor to help me does not know anything about me.After doing his sleep study he says YOU DONT HAVE SLEEP APNE AT ALL so my question is am I the only person that this is happened to you or somebody else got the Inspire put in and then found out they don’t have sleep apnea? Thankyou

    • Eric Kezirian MD MPH Reply

      You should not have had the Inspire device placed if you do not have obstructive sleep apnea. There is the possibility of what is called night-to-night variation in sleep study results, but it should not be so substantial that you would go from having moderate to severe obstructive sleep apnea to having no sleep apnea at all. However, anything is possible. If you had weight loss or a difference in your body position during sleep, that could definitely affect your obstructive sleep apnea.

    • Just some guy Reply

      I have apnea, but it is due to nasal obstruction. CPAP didn’t help at all (created central apnea), and I am sure Inspire would be also be the wrong approach. I fought with my health care providers “sleep apnea dept” for 3 years. They finally did a more accurate type of sleep study, and the only intervention that helped was oxygen. I now use oxygen at night. Many sleep “experts” just assume that any sleep issue is due to OSA. Wrong dx – quite often. Beware.

  17. Nicole Peller Reply

    Has anybody had the Inspire put inside their body and then one year later find out they never had sleep apnea?

  18. Christopher T. Jenkins Reply

    I have sleep apnea and use a ResMed AirCurve 10. It often blows so strong it comes out my mouth. I use air pillows because I cannot tolerate a mask. I already have an implanted spinal stimulator in my back for spinal stenosis and neuropathy pain. When it was implanted I had some very painful problems that eventually went away. Can a person have both kinds of stimulators implanted? I assume no more M.R.I. can ever be done after implantation. I can’t have one anyway. Can both types of stimulators be implanted in the same person?

    • Eric Kezirian, MD, MPH Reply

      You can likely have both kinds of stimulators implanted, but you should speak with the Inspire team when you obtain an evaluation. MRIs are OK with the Inspire device for certain common types of MRI machines (called 1.5T or 1.5 Tesla) and many areas of the body (head, neck, arms, and legs but not chest, abdomen, or pelvis).

    • Wendy Zeller Reply

      I have a nerve stimulator and the inspire device. Unfortunately the inspire device I have has stopped all MRI’s. No doctor will allow an mri due to liability The nerve stimulator can be put on mri mode and they would then allow one if I didn’t have the inspire devise


    How significant are the pulses to the tongue nerve? I’m concerned about getting to sleep during the stimulation.

    • Eric Kezirian, MD, MPH Reply

      They are noticeable while you are awake because your tongue moves. They should not wake you up from sleep. The system is set up to come on after you are asleep because you tell the system how long to wait until it starts working, choosing the time based on how long it typically takes you to fall asleep and then adding 10 minutes

  20. Robert Vines Reply

    After 18 months with Inspire…

    This is what I read about Inspire before I had my own: “The Inspire therapy works inside your body with your natural breathing process to treat obstructive sleep apnea. It continuously monitors your breathing patterns while you sleep. Based on your unique breathing patterns, the system delivers mild stimulation to key airway muscles which keeps the airway open while you sleep.”

    From that description, I assumed there would be stimulation when my breathing paused causing an apnea event. The way mine actually works is that there is an initial pause in stimulation to allow you to fall asleep then the initial start-up can be a real jolt. My mouth is propped open by my tongue thrusting forward followed by a constant thumping of my tongue against the roof of my mouth. Only one side of my tongue is fully stimulated which causes the tongue to thrust out and to the side. Each stimulation is instant causing the tongue to jerk very fast. It also causes my tongue to buzz somewhat like it was AC current or chopped DC.

    My tongue thrusts out for 3 seconds and then repeats after a one-second pause causing the constant thumping noise against the roof of my mouth. However, after 30 minutes to one hour, the tongue movement seems to settle down to a less aggressive and less jarring thumping. This may be simply a tiring of my tongue muscles rather than a change in the stimulation. The stimulation cycle of three seconds on and one second off eventually changes but never seems to have any coordination with my breathing. Sometimes it becomes quite rapid, and sometimes it lengthens enough to allow a complete breath.

    I also noticed that it will not work at all if my electric blanket is turned on. And, I noticed that sometimes my electric shaver will turn on the stimulation. Experiencing this, makes me want to carry the remote with me everywhere in case the system turns on. I have also found the Patient Manual on the internet (which I now wish I had seen before having the surgery) which states that stimulation can initiate if you are near a CB Radio, electric welder, other electrical devices, dental drills, or near our induction stovetop. This is not so bad for me because I have an excuse not to help my wife in the kitchen, but bad news for not being able to use the handheld 2way CB radios that I use hiking or the welder in my shop. I will also need to remember to take control with me when I go to the dentist.

    Before having the Inspire device I used a mouthpiece that holds my lower jaw forward as well as a BIPAP unit set at a fairly low pressure. I have to use a low pressure because raising the pressure results in severe gas pains for me as air flows into my stomach. The plus with using the BIPAP even at low pressure, however, is that I have online access to the daily report of the previous night’s sleep. I average 17.5 apnea events per hour using these two together.

    I found if I use the Inspire device without the mouthpiece or the BIPAP, I wake in the night with a headache. Using the BIPAP, the mouthpiece, and the Inspire device solves the headache problem but does not change the average number of events per hour. It does add two inconveniences. First, frequently when the Inspire initiates the stimulation I wake up. This is almost always the case if I have it set on one of the highest values. The second is that I have always experienced sinus drainage, especially when I lie down. When this drainage is in my throat, I swallow reflexively. Using the Inspire device, I cannot swallow. A third problem is that the sensor pokes painfully in my ribs if I try to sleep on my right side.

    My summary is that the device has been a disappointment for me. Because I still use the BIPAP on low pressure and can access a daily report on events per hour, I have repeatedly experimented with using Inspire and not using Inspire to see if it helps. My repeated data shows events per hour is the same using the Inspire or not using Inspire. In other words, the Inspire does not help me. I am also surprised to see a device being marketed with such a susceptibility to EMC/EMI interference. UL approval of the device would have revealed these problems. There should be a ramp of the initial stimulation over a period of minutes to prevent the initial jolt of full stimulation that wakes me up. There should also be a ramp of each stimulation to allow a more gentle tongue movement. And, of course, the sensitivity to electronic interference needs proper filtering. And finally, there should be an on/off switch on the control to keep the battery from going bad while you are carrying it with you.

    • Eric Kezirian, MD, MPH Reply

      You definitely have a constellation of real challenges. This is not typical, although there are patients who awaken at higher stimulation levels, including when the system starts working. I would group your problems into those of waking you up (can be difficult to fix unless you can come down on the stimulation intensity), the abrupt nature of tongue movement with stimulation (can be adjustment somewhat by changing the electrical settings), interference from other devices (I have not heard of anyone having this much trouble), and incomplete relief of obstructive sleep apnea. For the last point, I have written about this before on my blog: I would absolutely keep working with your center, as there should be room for improvement, at least.

    • Shari T Reply

      Hi Robert…I’m scheduled to get inspire today….after reading ur post I’m feeling affraid. I hope I’m making the right decision. My dad also has sleep apnea and his drs have said some, perhaps most of his dementia symptoms are related to his uncontrolled condition. My dads condition is a possibility for me too. Which also scares me. The device turning on by itself is especially concerning. The pain u mentioned is likely to cause me not to use it as directed… right now I dont know what to do. My email is Sharit2015 (AT) if u get notice of my reply and u want to reply.

      • Kim Saghy Reply

        Shari, did you get the Inspire Surgery?

    • Corrine Reply

      Agree with a lot of what you said. I had my device inserted in March 2021 and had complications of nerve injuries X 2 and now have daily headaches. The stimulation felt like it was regulated and going well then I had my inpatient sleep eval, they adjusted things and then I turned it on to have a major tongue spasm that first night. Very painful and scared. I’m still not set right. My nerve injuries were from the insertion and are still painful at times. Nerves take a long time to heal they say. No one explained to me prior to surgery all of these risks especially the nerve injuries. I would like to know if anyone has had the nerve injuries like me.

      • Jerry Reply

        I had my Inspire surgery three days ago and I am kinda worried because when I open my mouth the right side does not open very wide. I also have a loss of feeling in the right side of the neck. I also was not completely told of all the possible complications. I wish I had listened to my intuition and just changed my mind and went home.

      • Kathy Rothschild Reply

        Corrine…I understand your pain! No one explained the possible nerve damage to me either. My doctor told me that he has only had one other patient that suffered from nerve complications, which subsided in 4 weeks. He said that other patient has been using the inspire and is very happy with it since then. He expected my pain to subside in a similar way/time! Are you still suffering from the pain? My surgeon is now talking of sending me to a neurologist. Since my surgery on November 4th, I have been on several different nerve medications that I suppose this last one is helping, but will the pain ever go away? On top of suffering all the pain for 13 weeks, the device hasn’t even been turned on! I hesitated having the surgery and definitely regret doing it now!

      • Jeff Martin Reply

        Corrine, I am having headaches after the procedure. Typically in the evening. Can you describe your headache symptoms?

        • Melissa Green Reply

          My husband had the implant surgery last week and is having constant headaches on the surgical side. Has your headache issue resolved over time?

          • Melissa Green

            Update: After a couple of weeks the severity of the headaches decreased but minor headaches still occur on the top of the head on the surgical side at 6 weeks. The medical team feels it is due to positioning during the procedure and may take a while to totally resolve the muscular and/or nerve irritation. Activation did not cause headaches so he is moving forward with the device.

  21. Ele T Reply

    Shari, what did you end up deciding?

    Also, it seems Inspire comes out with a new device model every 3 years. Being right at the milestone for a new one, has anyone heard if they have a new model coming out soon? Debating whether to hold off or not. Thank you

    • Brad Reply

      Yes they have a new device out. Just had it installed. But my spinal cord stimulator interferes with it. So not sure what they are going to do.

      • Brad Reply

        Also they have tried for 2 years to get mine to work and no success.

  22. Craig Van Anne Reply

    Dr. Kezirian — I have undergone a drug-induced sleep endoscopy which shows complete palate obstruction with the tongue 100% in contact with boths sides of the throat. My AHI is 17, intermittent; RDI 34. I am approved for Inspire therapy, but recently have become aware of Radio Frequency Ablation. I am intrigued with RFA being much less intrusive and avoiding the MRI-ban of Inspire. Your thoughts on RFA, please. I live in the SF Bay Area. Thanks!!

    • Eric Kezirian, MD, MPH Reply

      Inspire does allow you to obtain an MRI of your head, neck, arms, and legs, so it is not an MRI ban. As far as radiofrequency, there are more details on my website (, and you can contact me there directly if you would really like to discuss this in more detail.

  23. Harry Reply

    I’m Harry from Brooklyn and I just completed level 4 of my Inspire Sleep.
    My 1st panic was acceptance of my Metro plus insurance, which was accepted. I was disappointed that the VA isn’t part of the inspire program as yet. My surgery performed by MD Steven Parks @ Montifeur Hospital in the Bronx went very well. Just a little discomfort at first (no real pain). Just rest and heal for approx 30 days. The consult to activate the remote was very informative. It was strange feeling my tongue being controlled by the Inspire device. I do get up after a few hours of sleep to urinate and drink water, therefore, I pause the remote ((15 minutes), then it automatically resumes. By that time I’m back in bed asleep. I still have a ways to go but I’m very encouraged!!! All I can say is: Get rid of your CPAC NOW machine

    • Tim D Reply

      The VA covered my Inspire through care in the community.



  25. David R Wells Reply

    I’m scheduled to have the device implanted on Sep 29. I have been doing research and now, after the comments here, I am seriously considering cancelling the surgery. I’ve struggled with apnea for many years and it has really taken a toll on me. Tried CPAP multiple times and have had all the surgeries possible to correct the problem, except a tracheotomy. To make things worse, I have other serious health problems, most noticeably chronic Adult On-Set Still’s Disease. Getting to sleep is a chronic problem due to pain and staying asleep is just as bad. I would appreciate any additional comments on experiences that could assist me in deciding whether to go forward next week. Thank you.

  26. Eric Kezirian, MD, MPH Reply

    You should speak with your doctor about this. It can be complicated to become comfortable with Inspire if you have substantial troubles falling asleep, but your individual situation should be discussed with them.

    • David R Wells Reply

      I have a superb physician and we have a great relationship. I trust that he would not suggest if the benefits did not out way the negatives. So all I really have left is this therapy or a perm opening. The comments above have me concerned, but I say you’re right … work with my physician.

  27. Eric Kezirian, MD, MPH Reply

    It can be difficult for some patients to get comfortable enough with Inspire if they have substantial difficulty falling asleep. However, this is really something for you to discuss with your own physicians.

  28. Margaret McCarthy Reply

    I am 75 have recently been diagnosed with normal pressure hydrocephalus and may need to have a shunt put in my brain. My GP and Cardiolist want me to take care of my sleep apnea Problem and have suggested the Inspire. I definitely cannot use any CPAP masks with my clastrophobia problem. Have tried all the masks over years. I am worried about the MRI problems and I can only sleep well enough on my right side. What do you suggest? I live in Scottsdale Arizona.

  29. Frank Cook Reply

    I had the Inspire surgery on September 21. Since then I have had several pain on the right side(same side where the device is installed) of my head, it is exacerbated with the movement of my tongue. The pain is in my right eye, ear, and throat. When I move my tongue as when eating it is severe pain. It seems like when the device leading to my tongue was attached that there was not enough length to allow the tongue to move about freely.
    Has there been anyone else had any similar experience? I need more info before I complain to the surgeon.

    • Julie Hurlbut Reply

      Hi Frank, I had my implanted 10 days ago and have the same pain in my eye,ear and throat upon swallowing. I understand it will get better but I do not understand the eye and ear pain. I am going to assume that will get better with time also but can not, for the life of me see how my eye and ear should hurt at all. Hopefully we will see improvement with that and the device works well when it’s turned on. Good luck.

      • Kim Saghy Reply

        Julie, are you doing better with the Inspire? Would you recommend?

    • Adela Reply

      Hi Frank, I had the same experience and thought I was having a brain hemorrhage. My jaw, my ear, my eye and the right side of my head/ brain felt like I was having an aneurysm. However the pain did get better and is almost nil now. My surgery was on June 29th. So about 5 weeks ago. Right after the surgery I could not eat or drink anything without hurting so bad. But now all is fine. I did mention it to my surgeon and to The Sleep therapist and they said a small percentage of people to experience this.

    • Connie Reply

      I scrolled and scrolled to finally find someone with the same problems as me. Inspire device implanted 4/20/22. 3 weeks later tongue movement causes severe nerve pain in tongue, right eye and temple with earache. Surgeon says will pass in month or so. Nerve pain is no joke. Pretty much a lingering headache all day and have been on pain killers. Wish I had not done this procedure. I am 68 years too old for this drama.

  30. Frank Cook Reply

    I had the Inspire surgery on September 21. Since then I have had several pain on the right side(same side where the device is installed) of my head, it is exacerbated with the movement of my tongue. The pain is in my right eye, ear, and throat. When I move my tongue as when eating it is severe pain. It seems like when the device leading to my tongue was attached that there was not enough length to allow the tongue to move about freely.
    Has there been anyone else had a similar experience? I need more info before I complain to the surgeon.

    • Kathy Rothschild Reply

      Frank…Did your pain ever go away? I had the inspire implanted on November 4th and have had pain in the right side of my head every since. The pain has gotten better, but it’s still there. I have lost a lot of weight due to the extreme pain eating. I have been on several different nerve medications that I suppose this last one is working, but will the pain ever go away? On top of suffering all the pain for 13 weeks, the device hasn’t even been turned on! I hesitated having the surgery and definitely regret doing it now!

      • Jeff Martin Reply

        Kathy, I am having the same pain. Had the surgery late Oct and turned on In Jan. Since being turned on, I am having pain in my ear and head.

      • SherryAnn Reply

        Kathy – has your pain gone away on the right side of your head? I had the surgery on Dec 22nd and the pain on the right side is driving me crazy! Any suggestions?

  31. James Reply

    Dr. – Shortly after having the Inspire Stimulator implanted & activated, I developed bilateral tinnitus, which had gotten extremely distrissing. The percieved ‘sound’ is louder at night(high pictched screeching, sometime a forest full of crickets) than in the daytime(low hissing).
    Are you aware of any other reports of tinnitus developing directly after activation?

  32. James Reply

    Dr. – Shortly after having the Inspire Stimulator implanted & activated, I developed bilateral tinnitus, which had gotten extremely distressing. The perceived ‘sound’ is louder at night(high pitched screeching, sometime a forest full of crickets) than in the daytime(low hissing).
    Are you aware of any other reports of tinnitus developing directly after activation?

  33. Mike G. Reply

    I am considering the Inspire implant. I’m confused by the sleep study reposrt and the docs haven’t been all that helpful. During my home sleep study my overall AHI was 75, but it also said that I had 289 Obstructive events, 80 central events and 153 mixed events. It also says my obstructive apnea index was 37, my central apnea index 10 and mixed apnea index 19.

    I have been using an Auto Pap for 10 weeks. During that time my AHI has averages about 30 despite numerous pressure adjustments. The Neurologist in the sleep clinic has basically declared the APAP ineffective. Next steps being BiPap or surgery. I have seen two surgeons in the sleep clinic., an ENT and an oral maxillofacial surgeon. The two surgeries discussed have been a Maxillomandibular advancement (very scary) and an inspire implant. the oral surgeon says try Bipap first because the presence of the central apnea will mean continued sleep apnea even after surgery. The ENT says BiPAP will likely be ineffective as well and that its benefit over cpap/apap is one of comfort and not necessarily effectiveness. he is enthusiastic about Inspire and I have scheduled me for the DISE. I sent him an email today asking if I should be concerned about the central apnea. One of the first things that crossed my mind when first told about Inspire was comfort i.e. will it wake me up, keep me up or keep me from falling asleep. After reading the posts above I admit I am concerned, however, I recognize that these posts represent a very small sampling of Inspire patients and also that people who have a negative experience with a product of any type are more likely to write a negative review than someone who is please writing a positive review. I think my bigger concern is whether my central apnea will have a negative effect on the efficacy of the device such that I still have to use some type of PAP device.

    • Erika Reply

      Mike- The Inspire will not be effective for your central sleep apnea at all. BIPAP typically makes central sleep apnea worse. CPAP/APAP and BIPAP will not fix your central and mixed events either. I am shocked that no one has mentioned ASV to you (aka VPAP)!!!! That is the gold standard for complex sleep apnea, which is what you have. However, the use of it depends on your cardiac ejection fraction, which can be obtained via echocardiogram. I would consider this route FIRST before any type of surgery! (I am an registered sleep technologist of 19 years). Good luck!

  34. Tim Reply

    After three failed CPAP attempts over the years, I had Inspire surgery in June 2019. It is pretty common to return to the office with the Inspire rep to adjust the device, which they can do from a computer. I think they eventually want you up around 7,8,9 level. I am at a level 3 right now and have no issues with snoring and am sleeping all night. I’ve tried to go up to a level 4 but when the device turns on after 30 min, it’s pretty powerful and wakes me up. It takes about a minute to settle down to a calmer level. So I just stay at a 3. It definitely works better for apnea than the cpap, for me anyway.

  35. E Mares Reply

    Going on 9 months since surgery. Had 2 adjustments and settled on level 6. Considerable reduction in snoring and more sound sleep. The device takes some time to get used to but I am not dealing with CPAP anymore. Had I had to pay for copays I don’t know if I would elect to have implant. VA picked up the cost.
    This is evasive surgery so be prepared for recover time and pain associated with it.
    If you get pain meds be aware that will cause constipation so drink lots of fluids or you’ll have some issues.

  36. Timothy Keil Reply

    I am a candidate for the Inspire implant and have been doing my research. I am grateful for the honest testimony presented on this page, and especially appreciative of the courage of the woman who so wants people to hear her story that she has posted her phone number here. For any in the position of considering this option for their sleep apnea treatment, I strongly endorse you to contact this woman (assuming her phone number remains posted here) because her testimony is worth hearing. What i have learned from both her testimony and the other testimony presented here is that my sleep doctor was not completely transparent and forthcoming in selling this option to me. But then, that can be expected from a doctor who would actually try to leverage me into submitting myself for this surgery by threatening to withhold the medication I use to treat the consequential narcolepsy. So here is my commentary for all you doctors, surgeons and Inspire technology execs living high on the lucrative kickbacks of pushing this option onto your patients- we are NOT dispensible commodities for your profiteering enterprises. We still make the call when it comes to our bodies, our health, and most importantly, our sovereign propriety. I am happy for those of you who have truly been helped (or lead to believe, perhaps, that you’ve been helped) by the Inspire. I think I have found all the evidence that I require however to make the right and the best decision for myself. And to hell with the fact that my sleep doctor will disagree with me. My body and life are not for sale. Thank God for courageous folks like Nicole who still find a way to put the truth out there for those who need to hear it most in making wise choices in their own best interest.

  37. Leslee King Reply

    My husband was recently setup with an inspire. He said it sends an impulse to the tongue when he is inhaling, but when trying to exhale it sends an impulse to the tongue not allowing him to take a full breathe. Suggestions? He is super dedicated to using this but is having trouble working through it. Help?

  38. Nico Bonestroo Reply

    Hi, I’m Nico from The Netherlands.
    I’ve had a surgery in July 2019. The inspire was implant in my chest. After the surgery my tongue muscles didn’t work. The reason of this problem was the difficult location of my tongue nerves. After 7 weeks the function comes back. After that the therapy could slowly startup. Now I’m very happy with it. Sometimes the doctor must change the settings.
    Before the Inspire a had 59 breath interruptions. Now below 8. I can do all the things like sports, driving and working again without tired feelings.

  39. Rena Reply

    I got one implanted about 5 weeks ago. I am in the severe category and my incidents per hour are at least one time per minute with my oxygen level going down to the low 50s. They just activated the system and I am so sorry I did this. Something isn’t right and it is shocking me up the side of my head to my temple, down my arm making my fingers twitch, down my leg and making my fourth toe twitch. My neck is twitching all day long and is completely swollen. I am having difficulty swallowing and breathing. All of this is without even activating it with the remote. Everything from my sonic toothbrush to my cell phone is activating it. I keep saying something is wrong. My doctors are saying to give it time. I have not fallen asleep for days and I am beyond being sane. I told them to deactivate it but nobody will. Can’t I demand that it be deactivated? I am telling you that there is something wrong and nobody will listen. What do I do. I am literally ready to do something drastic here because this is really bad. Please help me!

  40. Julie Hurlbut Reply

    Rena, don’t do anything drastic, the implant can be removed if it is faulty, I had one put in and it didn’t work at all, they took it out and put in a new one. You may need to do that and if your dr refuses to do it report to the medical board.

  41. kevin Reply

    I had the surgery done January 8th and the wiring for my neck to my chest is tethered do my chest and my neck and every time I try to lift my neck up I can’t it’s like the wiring is like stuck to my skin I guess underneath and they told me to massage and stretch my neck back and forth I’ve been doing all that for 2 and 1/2 Weeks. went to see the doctor the other day and he told me to keep massaging it and stretching my neck well it seems to be getting tighter what can I do to free the tension of the wire between the device and my neck?

  42. Wendy Reply

    I’m scheduled to have the Inspire implant surgery on April 1st. I have been very excited about getting this done and finally being rid of the CPap and the lack of sleep that I have while using it.
    Yesterday, my husband began voicing concerns about me having this installed. He is worried about doing permanent damage to the hypoglossal nerve. I have been telling him that it is safe and I will be great afterwards. Now, after reading the comments above, I have to admit, I am also worried.
    I hadn’t been made aware of the difficulty people have getting use to this if they have difficulty falling asleep at night . This has ALWAYS been my issue. Even when I was a child, I would lay awake at night begging for sleep to come.
    I really, really want to have this surgery and get rid of that machine on my nightstand, getting twisted in the hose, and the constant sores in my nasal cavities.
    I’d like to hear from people who have had great success with the Inspire and what their journey was like regarding getting use to the device?

    • Nick Reply

      I started on CPAP, gave it several attempts over about 8 years, to no avail. Tried first an off the internet mouth piece, then one made by my dentist, no luck. Didn’t tolerate any of them very well. I received the implant in Jan 2020. About the time I was supposed to start the testing and adjusting, the pandemic hit, so it did not happen for a few months. Still no in-house sleep study at the lab though. I’ve been up and down the Inspire range settings. Highest I reached would shoot my tongue out of the mouth hard, very disturbing, had to back down a couple of notches. What I found was I slept no differently with or without the Inspire, waking every couple of hours or so. Sometimes the Inspire would come on just as I was nodding off and would awaken me. When I would awake with it active, never able to sleep with it active, it was audible and noisy enough to disturb me if my ear was on the pillow (which it usually is), so would pause it. Even that would sometimes wake me when it kicked on after the pause. Started turning it off, then on, instead for more time. But trying to adjust half awake is a bit of a pain, groping for the device half asleep, drag to my chest, hitting a couple of buttons, and return it. Last appt with the sleep doc, told him I would use it all the time until next follow-up (Apr 1), about 6 weeks later. Same problems ensued as noted above, but held in there. Until one night, I forgot to turn it on, had one of my better nights. Continued NOT using it, and have done better without it, not ideal, but better. I did get one benefit from it though. When I first asked my doctor about the Inspire after seeing on a local news show, he said I would be an ideal candidate but should probably lose about 8 lbs first. Lost the 8 and kept going, ultimately losing 40 lbs. So there is that.

    • Kim Saghy Reply

      Wendy, did you have the surgery? How are you doing? Would you recommend?

  43. Tamra Scott-Hunt Reply

    Can you please tell me the name of the other device in clinical trials that you mentioned above? I’m a very light sleeper, can’t tolerate CPAP, and worry that the stimulation of Inspire therapy may keep me awake. I’d like to read about possible alternatives in the pipeline. Thx.

  44. Kelley Reply

    I am scheduled for the Inspire surgery in mid-May. After reading all the comments, above, I am seriously considering not getting the surgery. I have one major issue with severe migraines (almost daily), and have just purchased the Cefaly system to try to tame them. The Cefaly device ( attaches to the forehead (between the eyebrows) and sends pulses to stimulate the trigeminal nerve to help relieve and prevent migraines. At this point, I’m more concerned about migraine relief, which could help me sleep better (when I have level 8-10 migraines every day, I don’t sleep well.) I’ve been on every type of migraine relief and prevention medications over the last 30+ years, with very little relief. I just found the Cefaly, and I’m desperate. However, I also have concern that the Cefaly would interact with the Inspire system. I have searched the internet for information on possible interaction, and I’ve found nothing. Looking for input on possible interaction between the two systems, if anyone can provide information.

  45. Sue Dlugos Reply

    I’m having the implant 5/3. Getting nervous. Does anyone have anything positive to say about it?

    • Kim Saghy Reply

      Hi Sue. Did you go thru with the surgery? I am supposed to have it installed in June. After reading these comments I am very nervous. If you did have it placed I hope you are doing well and I am thinking of you.

  46. Kristin Reply

    I’ve had inspire since 3/4/21 and it was turned on 4/4. I don’t notice any of the pain or things others are saying. I do believe I’m in a low setting though. It’s only my first month using it. I sleep pretty sound though. Once I’m asleep it doesn’t wake me up but if I haven’t fallen asleep yet when it turns on, I pause it bc it is weird feeling when ur awake (like ur throat tightens and pulsates.) But usual by the time the pause is over, I’m asleep. I haven’t noticed any improvement w my daytime tiredness from the sleep apnea yet. I go on May 13th for an adjustment. It’s definitely way better than the CPAP for me. I couldn’t tolerate that at all.

  47. Danette Richards Reply

    Thank you all. I’m scheduled for Friday. As with so many of you I’ve been really excited about it and finally being able to sleep. I’m anxious now and worried but you have given me a number of things to discuss with my doctor before surgery. Thank you.

  48. Troy Reply

    I’m in the pre work up for the inspire and after reading reviews I’m going to revisit my options.
    My oral appliance was working before my 15 COVID pounds, perhaps I will try getting back to the gym before an operation.
    I’m an RN and read surgical articles about complications like pneumothorax or nipping the Carotid and just the people talking nerve problems has slowed me down on the process.
    I appreciate everyone’s input, every case is different, consult with your MD.

  49. Sally Lujan Reply

    I have had OSA for many years and I have tried unsuccessfully to use CPAP and BIPAP and different masks. I have claustrophobia and also the mask leaves deep strap marks on my face which last like 5 hours. Water sprays in my face and air seeps out around the mask making squeaking noises which wakes up me and my husband. I had made up my mind to get the Inspire system implanted because I know I am damaging my health being untreated. I scheduled an appt. today and now after reading all these negative comments I am thinking about canceling my appt. I am really scared now and feeling hopeless. My dad had sleep Apnea and was never treated and died with Alzheimer’s and dementia at 70 years old. I don’t know how to proceed.

  50. Rachael Kaempf Reply

    My boyfriend had the inspire therapy for migrains and it worked for that. He still, however, snores very very bad and he’s not a large man. What else can be done for the snoring? We cannot sleep in the same room or on the same level of the home.

  51. Eric J. Kezirian, MD, MPH Reply

    There are many things that can be done for snoring, including for snoring that continues with Inspire therapy. The best thing to do would be for him to see a sleep surgeon and discuss options. I would actually start with his Inspire team to make sure that the Inspire therapy is optimized, but beyond that there are many options.

  52. Fitness Blogs Reply

    Great job. Please keep it up guys.

  53. Lily Reply

    I really liked your article post. Really Great.

  54. Robin Reply

    I just had Inspire implanted on July 13, followed by the month of recovery before they activated the device 2 weeks ago. So far I’m not sleeping any better and have problems when I wake up in the middle of the night. I pause it several times because 15 minutes isn’t enough to fall back to sleep and it wakes me back up as I’m starting to drift off. I was really hopeful about it, but if it doesn’t make much of a difference, I’m going to ask about having it removed. I didn’t realize I couldn’t have MRIs of my lower back with the implant. My doctor said I couldn’t have an MRI of my chest, but later I found out that it’s really your whole torso. I have degenerative disc disease and spinal stenosis. I know from past experience, MRIs are the only thing that show what’s going on for my neurosurgeon (already have had 4 discs rupture in my neck and one in my lumbar, plus 2 more degenerated discs). I’m pretty upset this wasn’t explained to me, because I wouldn’t have done it. I’m still hoping that Inspire will make me feel more rested, but that hope is fading. I hope that Medicare will cover having it removed if it comes to that.

    • Eric Kezirian Reply

      Medicare should cover the removal, but you should check with your Inspire team.

      • Diane Carpenter Reply

        I need to have my device removed. The dr. Emani said he would not take it out. May I have the name of a surgeon who will. I live in Tucson and am moving to Washington state the middle of November. So if I could have the information for both places? I am near the end of my rope.

        • Eric Kezirian, MD, MPH Reply

          Inspire surgeons can be found through the company website or your current Inspire representative covering the center.

  55. Al Reply

    The surgery to implant the device caused a big problem for me: I now have a lisp in my speech. Have you seen this happen before? Does it get better?

    I am nervous about having the device activated, because I wonder if it will worsen my lisp.

    • Eric Kezirian Reply

      If the lisp is from weakness of the nerve controlling tongue movement, you may want to wait. You should discuss this with your Inspire team.

  56. Anida Westbrook Reply

    I had the surgery to implant the device on Sept. 13, 2021. It has been five days now. I am having a big problem with my tongue. It does not move correctly when I need to swallow. My device had to be installed on my left side due to previous radiation treatment on my right side while being treated for breast cancer a few years ago. The problems with my tongue not moving correctly to swallow seems to only effect the left side of my tongue. My tongue also doesn’t move correctly when trying to chew food. It doesn’t move the food around my mouth. This is something you never notice your tongue doing before the inspirer. It has also effected how I talk. I can only talk in a way people can understand me for a couple of minutes before my tongue muscles are so tired and weak that I have to stop. I had had very little pain until today, day five, today I woke up with bad pain in the back of my throat on the left side and some pain in my jaw line. I was expecting this type of pain after surgery. But it is strange to have five days having very little pain first and the pain starting almost a week later. I did call the surgeon’s office yesterday to report the problems. They told me it was normal. I have my first followup on Monday which is only two days away. I am interested if anyone else has had any of these symptoms and if it is temporary how long before my tongue starts acting normal again. If there is anyone from the inspire company reading this I would like to here from you as well. I am trying to stay positive.

    • Eric Kezirian, MD, MPH Reply

      You should continue working with your surgeon and your own Inspire representative. It is not so straightforward to understand what might be occurring, but it can be something that could clear up or something that needs attention sooner rather than later.

  57. Stuart Hill Reply

    I had my Inspire implanted on July 16th, and got my remote on August 16th. After the first few nights of adjustment, I found it was controlling the apnea just fine, but my snoring went up to 11, so it was back to the guest room. Then last Thursday night I woke up a couple of times with my heart racing. My wife said she heard the usual sounds of apnea again. It was like the device wasn’t working. I’d turn it off and on and felt nothing at all. The same thing happened the next two nights. I changed batteries, thinking that might be the problem. But that didn’t help either. I’m not sure what’s going on, why it stops during the night.

  58. Eric Kezirian, MD, MPH Reply

    Usually, when the device is turned on, it is set at a very low level. Then the patient gradually increases the settings within the range set by the Inspire center. The idea is that you get used to the stimulation by starting slowly. You should keep your Inspire team notified by your progress and continue increasing. Sometimes other adjustments need to be made even before the in-laboratory sleep study that is done to examine closely how well the system is working to control your sleep apnea (with adjustment of settings).

  59. Dewey Reply

    Good post. I learn something totally new and challenging on sites I stumbleupon everyday. It will always be helpful to read articles from other authors and practice something from their sites.

  60. Diane Carpenter Reply

    What are the side effects of having device removed?

  61. brian martin Reply

    Hello – had my device installed March of 2020. LOVE it and it’s been a life saver (for my relationship) and get the best sleep I’ve had in years. But as of the last few months my snoring seems to have gotten a little worse. Is there a way to “fine-tune” the device? Maybe make the signal stronger?

  62. Eric Kezirian, MD, MPH Reply

    The system can be adjusted/fine-tuned. You should work with your Inspire center on this.

  63. Joanne Reply

    I have arthritis and use a swimming pool daily for therapy. Can one still go swimming with Inspire?

  64. Eric J. Kezirian, MD, MPH Reply

    You can absolutely continue to swim with the Inspire therapy. You would just need to take off 3 weeks right after surgery to allow proper healing.

  65. KIM Richardson Reply

    Hello Doctor,
    I went to my doctor because I have been having involuntary gasping for air during the day for at least 6 months. He sent me for a sleep study and have been diagnosed with sleep apnea. What I would like to know is, will the Upper Airway Stimulation help with daytime breathing issues?
    Thank you for your time.

  66. Eric James Kezirian, MD, MPH Reply

    No. The Upper Airway Stimulation system is only to be used during sleep to treat obstructive sleep apnea.

  67. William Warnken Reply

    Hello – I have both obstructive and central sleep apnea. I have used a CPAP for years and I am more than ready to stop wearing it to sleep. So far my insurance is denying coverage of the Inspire procedure but I would consider paying out of pocket. Given that the CPAP works for my obstructive apnea, it seems Inspire would be a worthwhile alternative. I have my most recent sleep study if that would be helpful. Please let me know if this is an option. Thank you.

  68. Kevin McGrath Reply

    Hi, I have OSA and a cardiac pacemaker. Can I be a candidate for Inspire? Thanks for your help.

  69. Eric J. Kezirian, MD, MPH Reply

    You can be a candidate, but there is some testing to do beforehand to make sure there is no communication with the devices.

  70. Debra Harrington Reply

    I have had a sleep disorder even 15 years before the recent one that found hypoxia and apnea. I don’t know if I will be able to tolerate the cpap, because I wake up so easily due to very minimal deep sleep. I hope that I don’t have to wait too long because I am falling, having dizzy spells, and I haven’t been able to work for 5 months. Also do people have to wear oxygen sometimes even with aspire?

  71. Eric Larson Reply

    Can the battery experience a catastrophic failure like the exploding call phone. Is there a plan to add a way to recharge it wirelessly?

  72. Bob Wooten Reply

    I love my inspire unit & I’m sleeping great it is the best thing I ever did. I do have one question can you get in a stand up tanning bed??

  73. Bob Wooten Reply

    I love my inspire unit & I’m sleeping great it is the best thing I ever did. I do have one question can you get in a stand up tanning bed??

  74. Don Davidson Reply

    This is my second week after activation so I’m on setting 2. Each of the last two mornings I’ve some sore throat and some speech impediment.
    Is that normal.

  75. Donna Reply

    Please email me. I have the Inspire Implant. Some things u need to know about it.

  76. Bill Reply

    I am a side sleeper. I have had an Inspire implant for two years. I am limited to sleeping on my left side or on my back. The device has caused my right ear to experience blockage when sleeping on my right side. Overall I am happy with the device. It is not perfect though.

  77. Scott Reply

    Can device survive contact sports. Brazilian Jujitsu I.E. wrestling.

  78. jean hersey Reply

    i feel my tongue pulsating and moving when my remote is off can you tell me why and if it is daangerous? as it is scary i feel like im choking

  79. Eric J. Kezirian, MD, MPH Reply

    This is something that you should definitely discuss with your Inspire team. This should not be happening.

  80. ML Jones Reply

    Inspire is not working for me. (43.2 AHI)
    Can the remote be boosted?

  81. Eric J. Kezirian, MD, MPH Reply

    If the Inspire is not working well, there is a process for evaluating and troubleshooting. You should contact your Inspire center for them to start this process. I have written on my blog about this, and you would be welcome to see me. However, you should start with your team.

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  85. bitlife Reply

    I experience pulsing and movement in my tongue while my remote is off. Can you explain this and let me know whether it is dangerous? I feel like I’m suffocating as it is frightening.

  86. Jerry Reply

    Just got home from having the surgery to put the Inspire device in, and NO I would never do it again (so much pain). This is a procedure where you absolutely stay in the hospital overnight! As soon as I was barely able to open my eyes, I was pushed into a wheelchair ( before I was even able to put on my pants ) and taken to the ride waiting to take me home. The pain in my neck is so bad I can’t swallow, not even my own spit

  87. Jerry Reply

    Hi Jerry again the day after is a little better still quite a bit of soreness. But I can’t understand why I have such a long cut on my neck, looks like it’s about 4 inches long but I was told it would only be a small hole. What really surprised me was the Inspire Rep, who is there during the surgery, said to me right before I was taken away that he uses a CPap mask at night. I was so shocked. He represents the Inspire device but doesn’t have one imt
    planted. I wanted to run but was too embarrassed. I think that kind of information should be given ahead of time. Only time will tell if I regret all this. Hope not because I will never use the CPAP again.

  88. Kathy Reply

    I had the inspire surgery on November 4. I didn’t think the surgery was difficult except since then I have been experiencing increasing nerve pain throughout my head and neck. I saw my surgeon on November 14, who thought it could be somehow related to previously spine surgery. The pain is unbearable. The surgeon has put me on 2 nerve pain medication to see if it helps, if not will recommend a visit to a neurologist. I totally regret the decision to have the surgery at this point due to the pain I am dealing with! Any thoughts?

  89. Jerry Reply

    Hi this is Jerry and it’s now been a week since my Inspire surgery and things are feeling better. I just got home from my check up and doctor said everything is looking good. He confirmed what I was thinking about the big knott and soreness in my neck. Doctor said it was my salivary gland causing the pain and since I have had this problem before I already kinda knew what was causing the pain. With antibiotics and time this will go away. As I said things are looking better and I’m looking forward to turning it on. My advice is to give yourself time to heal.

  90. Sandi Little Reply

    I had Inspire surgery in April 2022. I had the device activated in May, a month later. After having it adjusted over and over, I finally had a sleep study done in October 2022. My results were worse and my 02 sats. were lower than before I had the Inspire surgery. I am sooo frustrated with the device I am almost to the point of having it removed. It hasn’t helped me at all. I still snore and wake up with a dry mouth. And my husband leaves to sleep on the couch! The surgery was much worse than I was told. I had some nerve damage to my mouth which has gone away, the scar under my neck is hard and the one on my chest is still red and raised. I also have trouble swallowing when it’s on. I have talked with people that have had great success using the Inspire, that’s why I did it, it just hasn’t worked for me yet!
    Could you please tell me how bad the surgery is to remove the device and do they remove the wires under your chin too?

  91. Bill Reply

    Can i still hunt with this i shoot a shotgun

  92. Eric J. Kezirian, MD, MPH Reply

    Yes you can. You would just place the device on the side opposite of the placement of the stock of your gun.

  93. Faye Reply

    Hello! I won’t go in to great details about my experience, only a few, because I don’t want to detour anyone from it…but I will tell you this, It works. It has changed my life for the better. However, the issue isn’t Inspire as much as the surgeon possibly not being given the proper training and follow up, or her ability to do the procedure. All of my issues are due to misplacement. Some permanent damage. I like my inspire, however the time enjoying the benefits has been tainted with issues arising from the procedure. PLEASE take the time to ask questions. Such as, how many implants have you done? Any complications? If so, what? If so, what have you done to prevent further complications from happening? I had to get a new surgeon, to have it repositioned. (it wasn’t attached to anything as one of many issues) the difference between a surgeon that has done 19 procedures to one whose practice has done over 300 is huge and a benefit. I was the first one the new surgeon had to reposition, so that tells you how infrequent my situation is. But happens. I begged them to have them stop her from going forward with doing any further implants until re educated…she is still doing them. So, it’s been a year ago this month. I informed her of the issues immediately, (I was in hospital night of surgery with pneumothorax) she brushed them off causing more damage as time went on. I had hoped for healing, has not, as of this week the implant not working, going to see my doctor on Thursday morning. Hoping it is not yet another problem. Evidently, you cannot talk to a doctor you had issues with directly with her practice manager due to fear of lawsuit. So, I have had to spend more money getting an attorney, just to let her know how my year has gone, and to impose review on her Inspire procedures.

  94. Brian McKiernan Reply

    I have chronic sinus congestion while wearing a CPAP to where it blocks my airways with mucous and am unable to breathe. Does the device eliminate sinus congestion?

  95. Gilbert Reply

    I am a Sleep Technician and have seen this while adjusting the Inspire device as the patients sleep in the lab that their O2 is dropping way below and could not be fixed. I went to add an Oxygen cannula, and the patient refused them. They are not able to see their oxygen levels while sleeping. After the device is implanted, do a PSG study and examine your oxygen level. If it is 90% and above, good for you; otherwise, add Oxygen; if not, it can lead to stroke and other complications. I feel the CPAP is still a gold standard.

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  97. Bea Brown Reply

    I had the Inspire August 8th,2022.
    Fast forward I now have a mass connected to my leed in the neck. A large swelling is above the skin. I have an appt this week with my doctor on this matter. I really am scared. Has anyone else had this happen. What causes this?

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  108. Nathan Yoast Reply

    Shouldn’t the device be set at the lowest setting that benefits you? I don’t understand the concept of continuing to turn it up until it’s too much. I can go higher than 2 but that seemed to do the trick and I never feel it “kick” at that level.

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  121. Kyle LaCotta Reply

    Hey, so I decided to get the Inspire surgery due to some severe sleep apnea and absolutely loathing the CPAP. I’m only 35 and not a heavy guy but my AHI is 83, so needless to say I’ve had some rough sleep or lack there of…I had the surgery July 5th. It’s only been a week, so I may be jumping the gun on this but my biggest concern is the headaches. I have had a head ache every day since the surgery on the right side of my head (one area on the back of my head a little above the neck, and the other area being over my right eye). I’ve seen comments where people complained about the headaches but I didn’t see anything written where these head aches went away after a certain amount of time. My doctor said it most likely is an affect of the anesthesia. Can someone give me some insight if this goes away soon? I get my device activated in a month…Wish me luck!

    • Kevin Reply

      HI Kyle- I saw your post (from July 2023) about headaches after the Inspire procedure- did they end up going away after a certain amount of time? I had my surgery on March 8th and here it is 12 days later and I still have a headache on top right side (not horrible but still there) and soreness up my jaw towards my ear. When I saw my doctor after one week he said this was common in 40% of patients. Just wanted to see if anyone else went thru this. Thanks Kevin

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    I absolutely love my Aspire Sleep Apnea device! Everything about it!

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  134. SherryAnn Reply

    Had my inspire implant surgery on Dec 22. Having pain on the right side of my head – behind eye, forehead, and top of my head. Started right after surgery. I see that others have experienced this. Will this pain go away? If so, how long will it take? What can I do to stop the pain?

  135. Mary Reply

    I work in an endoscopy unit. Our staff were told that monopolar electrosurgery (cautery) could not be used on patients with a hypoglossal nerve stimulator. Our patients receive moderate sedation or monitored anesthesia care with propofol. Both situations sound ideal for the stimulator except with an upper endoscopy. If the device was turned off for the procedure can monopolar electrosurgery be used or is there an issue with causing damage to the generator.

  136. Kevin Reply

    I had the Inspire surgery 10 days ago. The incisions are fine- I still have some soreness up my jaw to my ear and a dull headache since the day of the procedure. My doctor told me at my one week follow up that this was common but concerned how long before the headaches go away. My jaw and ear are not that painful but the headaches will hopefully go away soon. Doctor said 2 or 3 weeks but want to see what other people have to say.

    • Bob B Reply

      I had the inplant surgery April 12, 2024. Headache and weird feeling in my ear on the surgery side all the time. Pain meds don’t touch the headache. Can’t sleep very long due to the constant headache and have to keep putting ice on my neck to relieve the headache pain. I keep hoping this will all go away soon.

  137. Dina L. Reply

    Reading all of these comments, it seems that most of the people complaining about pain are males. It is a biological fact that females have a greater pain tolerance than males (it’s been proven) so, I wouldn’t read too much into these comments, so it scares you away from getting the device. I’ve had dozens of surgeries (I’m currently in chemo for my 4th cancer) and sleep study shows Inspire DOES work to help my sleep apnea. What it doesn’t help is I still snore like a freight train. It’s most likely because of weight gain (thank you steroids for chemo) and the fact that I sleep on my back due to breast cancer (that was cancer #3). So, I use my Inspire ‘cuz it helps with the apnea, but nobody can sleep near me because I still snore so loudly.
    As for the “giant scars”.. you haven’t seen anything if you think a 4″ scar is HUGE!

  138. Drift Hunters Reply

    Upper Airway Stimulation therapy offers a promising alternative for OSA patients intolerant to traditional PAP therapy, providing a tailored approach to improving sleep quality and overall well-being.

  139. Jack H. Reply

    Hi, everyone, I’m sorry to hear all the bad comments about the Inspire implant I had the surgery on June 3, 2024, AND I have not had any trouble with mine my device was turned on for me on July 3. 2024 only question that I have so far is I was told not to drink anything while it was on were any of you all said that and if so, did the doctor explain why. because I did not think to ask why we were talking about so much it just slipped my mind to ask.

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